Home » Starting Well: A personal letter from Harry Benson for those thinking of getting married
Starting Well: A personal letter from Harry Benson for those thinking of getting married
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I got married to Kate on a glorious summer’s day in a beautiful English country church. I was a young Navy pilot. Kate was an even younger budding cookery whiz. We couldn’t have imagined a more brilliant wedding day. Kate looked stunning and smiley in her flowing white dress. The bridesmaids were pretty and well-behaved. The service was traditional. I even noticed the flower arrangements. My military friends in their smart uniforms put up a ceremonial arch of swords outside the church as we emerged. Photos were taken. Our families and friends were on good form. The afternoon reception party flowed out of the tent and into the sunshine. At the end of the day, we were whisked away by helicopter – how else – to start our married life. All was well in Benson-land. We were young and invincible. The world was at our feet. What could possibly go wrong!
Of course married life doesn’t always work out as well as we presume. Sure, everyone has their ups and downs. There are occasional glitches here and there. It’s slightly the point of saying “for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health”. But we all hope we’ll spend more of our life in the “better/richer/health” bit and try not to think too hard about the “worse/poorer/sickness” bit.
The good news is that for most couples, married life does work really well. The stats say that most couples getting married today will stay married for life.
The bad news is that for the rest, married life doesn’t work out quite the way we’d hoped and dreamed. I’ve told Kate’s and my story in more detail in my book Let’s Stick Together – how our marriage went right to the brink of divorce some eight years after that glorious summer’s day, and how we then managed to put things back together again.
Nobody ever thinks it will happen to them. And for most it won’t. But if only Kate and I had done some sort of short and simple pre-marriage relationship course, we are certain we would never have got into the mess we did. Even today we still pay the price of those bad habits we learnt in those early years. They come back to trip us up every now and then.
Fortunately we are so much stronger and wiser now. We know how to avoid most blips and sort things out when we do. Blips are never much fun. But nor are they the end.
So what can you do to make sure you never get into the mess we did?
Treat yourselves to a marriage preparation course.
What it is
- VERY practical. The principles are simple to understand and easy to apply.
- VERY effective. Marriage preparation courses (also known as relationship education) have been shown to improve relationship quality, reduce conflict, and reduce divorce rates.
- VERY private. You only have to talk to your other half
- VERY supportive. Other couples on the course are in it together with you, even if you may not talk much to them
- NOT scary or embarrassing
- NOT counselling
- NOT role-play
- NOT public