Children’s mental health: Forever repairing sand castles?

In December last year the government produced its green paper on children’s mental health. The opening paragraph begins with an optimistic note that the state can make a difference. “Children with a persistent mental health problem face unequal chances in life. This is one of the burning injustices of our time.” Alas, it’s all downhill […]
Broken homes, broken children

The UK has the highest level of family instability in the entire developed world. Our epidemic levels of family breakdown were highlighted in a recent international analysis by the Social Trends Institute. Yet as a nation we seem to be completely unaware of what is happening to us. Our own analysis at Marriage Foundation confirmed that a quarter […]
Divorce has no effect on children? Not so fast …

Parents at war ‘more harmful than divorce‘, ran a headline in the Times yesterday. The accompanying article reports on a new study that claims “interparental conflict may be even more harmful to a child’s development than parental dissolution itself“. The study – which you can read in full here – attracted my attention for a […]